Monday, 4 October 2010

The Human Condition

So after my huge blog debut, it seems that no one is reading.

I have had 5 page visits – ever! I suspect they are mostly my own, as I tweaked. Along with a couple of drop-ins from North America – of the crawling kind, perhaps. Or maybe just more of my own visits, via some far-flung trail of servers. My understanding of that mystery called the internet is as gauzy as a real spider ‘s web. No matter, there is plenty of entertainment in speculation.

I find myself pondering that essential quality of the human condition: aloneness. Ultimately I am the only person inside my skin. With the rare exception of conjoined twins, where two separate people, two different consciousnesses, share connected bodies, we are all alone.

This aloneness connects us. We reach out to touch each other, to bridge the yawning space between us, to catch a glimpse of ourselves in someone’s eyes. Just as the internet gives me a glimpse of myself reading my own page, via a brief transfer of energy, a trail of light from machine to machine across the globe, so too do we light each other’s lives.

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