When I am a landlord, I carry out my responsibilities properly.
I do not leave long lists of unattended works on the pretext of "photos not coming through". I RESPOND to my tenants' requests for maintenance. I ensure the property is safe so that my tenants cannot injure themselves, and I ensure that there is insurance in place so that my liability is appropriately covered, such that the tenants themselves will not suffer unnecessarily from bureaucratic failures in the unfortunate event that they are injured as a result of safety hazards on the property.
Apparently, these same standards do not apply to *my* landlord, who is more interested in legal arse covering than they are in asking, even once, if I am OK, following what was quite a significantly injurious fall. Apparently, *my* landlord can lean upon legally vague wording in the tenancy contract, the applicability of which is highly suspect. Apparently, *my* landlord can neglect their responsibility to attend the property to respond to multiple detailed requests for maintenance lodged months ago, which have been supplied with ample information including photographs, and not attend for the regular property inspection schedule and STILL claim to be exempt from the basic legal responsibility to ensure the property is safe. When the property is not safe, was not safe, apparently *my* landlord is happy to forgo a timely response to me, while I am awaiting an indication on how to pay for my accident-caused bills, and can instead spend copious business days doing absolutely nothing at all, either to rectify the safety hazard, or to supply information to me to assist with my medical treatment and rehabilitation. Apparently, in very specific circumstances, you can get away with shit like this, just because you included a not-particularly-legal-sounding clause in your tenancy agreement. Is this appropriate? No. Is this acceptable? No. Am I suffering further ongoing harm as a result of this entirely inadequate response. Yes. Yes I am. As each day passes and I am not accessing the full suite of physiotherapy needed to make a FULL recovery, yes I am suffering further ongoing harm as a direct result now of the compounding effect of the inadequate organisational response, on top of the original injury, which was caused by an actual unsafe feature of the property. (As evidenced by the fact they admitted it was unsafe when they, eventually, weeks and weeks later, had it fixed).
I am sooooo over being treated with this kind of disregard and utter organisational carelessness, and for what? How exactly does this behaviour, this bureaucratic shit-dragging, actually meet the high standards required to meet your organisational goals? HINT: It doesn't. It does not. Your response has been APPALLING. Your response, to ME, of all of the people you could have treated in this way, is especially galling, and by cause of that response, you are unlikely to ever, EVER know why.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my feedback, dated this day the 22nd of October 2021. And it remains my feedback until an entirely more appropriate response is summonsed up and delivered to me. And in the meantime, my pain levels appear to be increasing, so... yeah, so does *my* landlord's liability. Best y'all put your heads together and find a more appropriate organisational response, quick as you can.
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