Sunday, 8 November 2020

You really haven't thought about this

You really haven't thought about this. You might have given it some thought, but you really haven't thought about it at all. You haven't considered the very many ways that all of the everythings you've done have interacted, how they have torn great strips, ripped thick bleeding slabs away from everything I have and everything I can do. 

You really haven't thought about this. You haven't thought about how long I've been doing this, how deeply it has cut, and how long that wound has lain open, bleeding, oozing, weeping even after you have tired of the sport, looked away again and again, while everything I have leaks away. 

You really haven't thought about this. You haven't thought about how long I can keep doing this. (I can't. I actually can not). You have stripped too much away and now there is nothing left, no fuel, no motivation, nothing left at all to keep me going. Not now, not tomorrow, not next week. Not ever. You have used me up, and now there is nothing left, not even to cross the finish line, not even to start. 

You really haven't thought about this. You haven't considered the resource that I am, the value that I provide, not only to you but to the entire ecosystem in which you exist. You haven't thought about how, in tearing me to tatters, you are shredding your own advantage to nothing. You have used me until I am empty and you can use me no more. 

I will not your travel your paths. I will not meet your people. I will not gift to them as I have so abundantly gifted to them with all of my everythings, this whole, astonishing expanse of time. 

There is nothing you can do about this, until you do something about it. So do something about it, before I am so empty that I am gone.  

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