Tuesday 20 December 2016

What matters (for HS)

This is what matters -

Not the number. The number is an after-effect.

What matters is -
The striving, the effort, the persistence you put in.
The goal, shaped around your own vision.
The space to go towards it in your own way.
The encouragement that says your way is a good way, even though it's different.
The support that holds you up when it gets tough.
The connections you build that nourish you.
The kindness you show in your words and actions along the way.
The hand you hold out, for giving and receiving, in balance.
The lessons you claim as you go.

So, enjoy the number. You have earnt your success. But always remember - the number is not what matters. It is purely the after-effect. The true measure of your success is everything that preceeds it, what you bring to the getting of it.

And for this, you can be truly proud of your achievement.

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