“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” – Lewis Carroll
For a long time now I have known certain things about myself, but I have not acted upon them. I have heard their truth resonating quietly within, but I have not allowed this pure wellsong to ring and reverberate any further. Instead I have muffled it under the shoulds, coulds, woulds of daily life. I have allowed weeks, months, years of my life to steal past me without attending to that which really matters. The work that I think I’m here for, but won’t know until I try it.
Suddenly the Universe has slapped me. And while I’m still reeling, slapped me again, just to make sure I’m paying attention. It’s not just Time that’s leaking away, it is the pure gift of Life that whispers past unseized. Not just the quantity of my days but also their quality. Hanging over me like the surgeon’s scalpel about to strike is a glimpse of my body’s finiteness. So now, connecting with my truth and allowing it to sing and chime is a matter of my very survival. It’s about unleashing a source of life and energy and grace and health that I now need in order to stay on the planet.
But how?
Begin at the beginning.
The beginning, the source of all power, is the Now, this very moment I find myself in. So I begin. Right now, consciously, and aware of both the magnitude, and insignificance of my undertaking, I begin.
I am starting at the beginning of your posts, and will keep on until I get to the most recent ones. But I will not promise to stop - I anticipate enjoying your wonderful way with words for a long, long time.
ReplyDeleteAw thank you so much Gaynor! I'm encouraged by your support. xxx